What's Sociology

Sociology, as a discipline, uses social scientific methods and theoretical analysis to make sense of how society becomes possible, operates, transforms, and is sustained. It investigates social institutions such as the family, work, education, sexuality, religion, leisure, and the state. Sociology critically analyze these and other social institutions and illuminates their power and inequality implications. To study Sociology, then, is to develop a critical perspective on the many aspects of society that are often taken for granted in everyday life.

Students are encouraged to examine the social conditions of human pursuits through taking courses on research fields including social network, family, gender, popular culture, social movement, globalization, rural society, women, health, the Internet, and social stratification. Such inquiries are supported by intensive learning of the theoretical foundations of the discipline, and by a thorough training in both qualitative and quantitative research methods.


The Department of Sociology at Hong Kong Baptist University is home to researchers and teachers who are deeply committed to the development and dissemination of critical knowledge in the service of addressing fundamental sociological questions about the social world. Faculty members are engaged with social issues in the Chinese societies that bear theoretical significance for understanding similar issues in other parts of the world. Some of these sociological inquiries include social network and social capital, family and caregiving, gender and sexuality, social stratification and inequality, kinship and property inheritance, consumption and popular culture, and globalization and development. Our research approach is characterized by methodological breadth and depth, with faculty members engaged in methods ranging from survey, in-depth interviews, ethnography, and archival work...

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