
PhD (University of New South Wales)

Research Interests:

Loneliness; Social Isolation; the Sociology of Emotions; Emotion Management; Social Capital; Social Inclusion and Connection; Unemployment and the Future of Work; Social Mix in Public Housing; Gendered Social Networks; Volunteering; Trust; and Digital Interaction

Roger Patulny joined the department in 2023. Prior to this, he held positions at the University Wollongong and the Univesity of New South Wales, Australia, and the University of Surry, UK. His research interests include socilogical studies of loneliness, social isolation, the sociology of emotions, emotion management, social capital, social inclusion and connection, unemployment and the future of work, social mix in public housing, gender and social networks, volunteering, trust, and digital interaction. He has been a CI on competitive grants that have attracted over $1.1 million AUS in funding. These include the ARC Discovery 2009-11: ‘Poor Women and Lonely Men: Examining Gendered Social Inclusion and Connection in Australia’, the ARC Linkage 2015-17: ‘Who You Know or Where You Go? The Role of Formal and Informal Networks in Finding Employment and Maintaining Wellbeing’, and the ARC Discovery 2023-25 ‘How parents manage climate anxiety: coping and hoping for the whole family’. He has served on the executive of the Australian Sociological Association (TASA), and co-founded TASA's Sociology of Emotions and Affect (TASA_SEA) Thematic Group.


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

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Course(s) Taught:

SOCI2005 Qualitative Methods of Social Research
SOCI4027 Selected Topics in Contemporary Sociology of China II (Sociology of Emotions)


From 2023 to 2025 "How parents manage climate anxiety: coping and hoping for the whole family" Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation.
(For complete list of publications, please view Staff CV.)


Journal Articles

Kalic, N, Patulny R, (2023) The impact of gendered scripts on Chlamydia and safe sex on young Australian men and women’s performance of gender and sexual responsibility. Sexualities, Accepted 15/4/23. (H-Index 62, Q1: Anthropology).


Patulny R, Spies Butcher, B. (2023) ‘Come Together? The unusual combination of precariat materialist and educated post-materialist support for an Australian Universal Basic Income’. Journal of Sociology, Accepted 15/3/23 (H-Index 50, Q1: Sociology and Political Science)


Bower, M, Kent, J, Patulny, R, Green, O, McGrath, L, Teesson, L, Jamalishahni, T, Sandison, H, Rugel, E. (2023) The impact of the built environment on loneliness: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Health and Place 79 (2023) 102962.


Sheridan, L, Andersen, P, Patulny, R, McKenzie, J, Kinghorn, G, Middleton, R (2022) Early career teachers’ adaptability and resilience in the socio-relational context of Australian schools. International Journal of Educational Research, 115(2022); 102051. (H-Index 69, Q1: Education).


Middleton, R, Kinghorn, G, Patulny, R, Sheridan, L, Andersen, P, McKenzie, J (2022) Qualitatively exploring the attributes of adaptability and resilience amongst recently graduated nurses. Nurse Education in Practice. Online First, (H-Index 53, Q1: Education).


Patulny R, Bower, M. (2022) Beware the ‘Loneliness Gap’? Examining emerging inequalities and long-term risks of loneliness and isolation from COVID-19. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 57(3): 562-583. (H-Index 30, Q2: Sociology and Political Science).


Feng, Z, Patulny R. (2022) From Guanxi to Social Capital and Back Again: A qualitative study of Australian Chinese migrants. Journal of Intercultural Studies, Online First (H-Index 34, Q1: Cultural Studies).


Van Beek, M, Patulny R. (2022) ‘The threat is in all of us”: Perceptions of Loneliness and Divided Communities in Urban & Rural Areas During COVID-19’. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(3); 1531-1548. (H-Index 86, Q2: Social Psychology)


Feng, Z, Patulny R. (2021) ‘Should I use my ‘weak’ social capital or ‘strong’ ‘guanxi’? Reviewing and critiquing two theories in the context of Western-Chinese migration’. Journal of Sociology, 57(2); 464-482. (H-Index 50, Q1: Sociology and Political Science)


Patulny, R., Mills, K, Olson R, Bellochi, A, McKenzie, J (2020), ‘The emotional tradeoff between meaningful and precarious work in new economies.’ Journal of Sociology 56(3); 333-355. (H-Index 50, Q1: Sociology and Political Science)


Patulny, R., Lazarevic, N, Smith, V. (2020) ‘“Once More, With Feeling”, said the Robot: AI, the End of Work, and the Rise of Emotional Economies.’ Emotions and Society 2(1):79-97.


Ramia, G; Peterie, M; Marston, G; Patulny, R. (2020) Networks, Case Managers and the Job-Search Experiences of Unemployed People. Social Policy & Administration, 54(5): 765-776. (H-Index 63, Q1: Development)


McKenzie, J, Olson, R, Patulny, R., Peterie, M. (2019) ‘Introduction to: ‘Social Emotions: A Multidisciplinary Approach”’ Emotions: History, Culture, Society 3(2019): 187-201. DOI:


Patulny, R., Bellochi, A., McKenzie, J., Olson, R., Mills, K (2019). ‘Happy, stressed and angry: A national study of teachers’ emotions and their management’. Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 3(2019): 223-244. DOI:


Marston, G; Ramia, G; Peterie, M; Patulny, R. (2019) “To Move or Not to Move: mobility decision-making in the context of welfare conditionality and paid employment”. Mobilities 14(5): 596-611 (H-Index 53, Q1: Demography) DOI:


Peterie, M; Ramia, G; Marston, G; Patulny, R. (2019) “Social Isolation as Stigma-Management: Explaining Long-Term Unemployed People’s ‘Failure’ to Network.” Sociology 53(6): 1043-1060 (H-Index 109, Q1 in Sociology and Political Science) DOI:


Peterie, M; Ramia, G; Marston, G; Patulny, R.(2019) ‘Emotional Compliance and Emotion as Resistance: Shame and Anger among the Long-Term Unemployed’. Work, Employment and Society 33(5); 794-811. (H-Index 79, Q1 in Sociology and Political Science) DOI:


Patulny, R., Ramia, G, Feng, Z, Peterie, M, Marston, G (2019). ‘The strong, the weak and the meaningful: do friends or acquaintances help us get ‘any’ job, or ‘meaningful’ work?’ International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 39(5/6): 376-394. (H-Index 39, Q2 Economics, Econometrics Finance) DOI:


McKenzie, J., Olson, R., Patulny, R., Bellochi, A, Mills, K (2019). ‘Emotion management and solidarity in the workplace: A call for a new research agenda’. The Sociological Review 67(3): 672-688 (H-Index 84, Q1 in Sociology and Political Science) DOI: 1177/0038026118822982


Olson, R., McKenzie, J., Mills, K., Patulny, R., Bellochi, A, (2019). ‘Gendered emotion management and teacher outcomes in secondary school teaching: A review’. Teaching and Teacher Education 80,128-144 (H-Index 123, Q1 in Education). DOI: 1016/j.tate.2019.01.010


Franklin, A.S., Barbosa Neves, B., Jaworski, K., Hookway, N., Patulny, R., and Tranter, B. (2019) ‘Towards an Understanding of Loneliness among Australian Men: Gender Cultures, Embodied Expression and the Social Bases of Belonging’. Journal of Sociology 55(1): 124-143. (H-Index 50, Q1: Sociology and Political Science) DOI:


Ramia, G; Patulny, R.; Marston, G; Cassells, K (2018) ‘The Relationship between Governance Networks and Social Networks: Progress, Problems and Prospects.’ Political Studies Review 6(4): 331-341 (H-Index 29, Q1: Political Science and International Relations .60): DOI:

Book Chapters


McKenzie J, Patulny, R., (eds) (2021) Dystopian Emotions: Emotional Landscapes and Dark Futures. Bristol University Press. Review by Jingyu Mao:


Patulny, R., Bellochi A, Olson, R, Khorana, S, McKenzie, J, Peterie, M (2019). Emotions in Late Modernity, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge (Series on the Sociology of Emotions).

Coming soon.