
LAI, Gina W.F. 賴蘊寬


PhD (State University of New York at Albany)

Research Interests:

Social networks; Gender studies; Mental health

My major interests in sociology include social networks, gender, health, and inequality. My previous research has focused on social networks in relation to status attainment, marriage, and psychological well-being, which has been supported by research grants from Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University. I have two ongoing research projects. The first project is a panel study of high school students in urban Nanjing which examines the interactive roles of family and school in the educational and labor market processes, and associated impacts on the social and psychological well-being of young people in urban China. The second project investigates the impacts of digital technology on interpersonal relationships. I teach SOCI2007 Quantitative Methods of Social Research, SOCI2035 Social Inequalities, SOCI3017 Health and Society, and SOCI4055 Women in China.


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

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From Aug-2021 to Aug-2022 "Community Support and Resilience Network Study: An Evaluation of the Wu Wu Cheng Community Support Programme" Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation. As Co-I. HK$200,000.
From Jan-2021 to Jun-2018 "School-to-Work Transition in Urban China: High School Students from Urban Nanjing as a Case Study" GRF (HKBU12403814), Research Grants Council. As PI. HK$479,000.
From Jul-2021 to Jun-2018 "Console Gaming and Social Network" FRG-II (FRG2/15-16/090), Hong Kong Baptist University. As PI. HK$99,940.
From Jan-2021 to Dec-2014 "Pathways and Social Consequences of High School Transition in China: An Exploratory Study of High School Students in Urban Nanjing" GRF (HKBU32-12-456), Research Grants Council. As PI. HK$398,610.
From Feb-2021 to Feb-2013 "Whole Person Development Assessment of University Students" SDF10-0118-D01, Hong Kong Baptist University. As Co-I. HK$1,376,940.
From Jan-2021 to Dec-2012 "Educational Transition of High School Students in Contemporary Urban China:  A Study in Urban Nanjing" FRG (FRGII/11-12/033), Hong Kong Baptist University. As PI. HK$60,000.
From Jan-2021 to Dec-2010 "Utilization of Chinese Medicine Services in Hong Kong" FRG (FRG1/09-10/001), Hong Kong Baptist University. As PI. HK$59,840.
From Mar-2021 to Jan-2009 "Exploring the Social Networks of Residents in Tin Shui Wai" Central Policy Unit, HKSAR. As PI. HK$188,639.
From Jan-2021 to Mar-2007 "Social Networks and Marital Power:  A Cross-sectional Study in Hong Kong" HKBU2032/02H, Research Grants Council. As PI. HK$971,517.
From Mar-2021 to Apr-2004 "Wedding Banquet in Chinese Societies and Social Capital in Action:  Hong Kong as a Case Study" FRG/01-02/II-21, Hong Kong Baptist University. As PI. HKS143,360.
From Jan-2021 to Oct-2002 "Social Networks and Mental Health: A Comparative Study of Beijing and Hong Kong." CUHK4135/99H, Research Grants Council. As Co-I. HK$1,005,000.
From Jan-2021 to Dec-2001 "Mobility, Social Networks, and Mental Health: A Study in Urban Shanghai" FRG/99-00/II-07, Hong Kong Baptist University. As Co-I. HK$199,600.
From Jan-2021 to Dec-2000 "Social Resources and Mobility of Chinese Immigrants in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study" FRG/97-98/II-37, Hong Kong Baptist Universtiy. As Co-I. HK$195,985.
From Dec-2021 to Nov-1998 "Interpersonal Network and Information Flow: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong" FRG/97-98/I-13, Hong Kong Baptist University. As PI. HK$35,000.
(For complete list of publications, please view Staff CV.)


Journal Articles

Song, Jing, Gina Lai, Odalia Wong, and Xiaotian Feng. Forthcoming. “Staying Connected with ICT Tools: Tracking Youth Respondents in a Chinese Context.” The Journal of Chinese Sociology.


Lai, Gina, Odalia Wong, Song Jing, and Feng Xiaotian. 2016. “Transition to Higher Education in Contemporary China: A Study of High School Graduates in Urban Nanjing.” Journal of Sociology 52:83-102.


Lai, Gina, Odalia Wong, Xiaotian Feng. 2015. “Family, School and Access to Social Capital among High School Students in Urban Nanjing.” American Behavioral Scientist 59(8):946-960.

Yao, Lu, Danching Ruan, and Gina Lai. 2013. “Social Capital and Economic Integration of Migrants in Urban China.” Social Networks 35:357-369.


Lai, Gina and Rance P.L. Lee. 2006. “Market Reforms and Psychological Distress in Urban Beijing.” International Sociology 21:551-579.

Book Chapters


Lai, Gina. 2014. “Social Support and Illness.” Pp. 2193-2195, in Wiley Cockerham, William C., Robert Dingwall, and Stella R. Quah (eds.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


Ruan, Danching and Gina Lai. 2009. “From Exclusion to Inclusion: Attitudes and Behaviors of Local Shanghainese.” Pp. 119-141, in Danching Ruan (ed.), Remaking Shanghainese. Shanghai: Xuelin Publishing Co. (in Chinese)


賴蘊寬,2008,〈中國經濟改革與女性就業:國家、市場和性別的關係〉(Market Reforms and Women’s Employment in China: The Relationships among State, Market, and Gender),《持續與變遷︰當代中國的政經、社會和空間發展》(香港︰香港教育圖書公司) ,頁140-176。


Lai, Gina. 2008. “Marriage, Gender, and Social Capital.” Pp. 342-363, in Lin, Nan and Bonnie H. Erickson (eds.), Social Capital: An International Research Program. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Coming soon.