
PENG, Yinni 彭銦旎

Associate Professor

Ph.D (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Research Interests:

Migration; Gender & Family; Social Media; Labor Politics; Qualitative Research Methods

Dr. Yinni Peng works on migration, family and gender, new media, and labor politics. She is the coauthor of Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family, and Gender in China (2016, University of California Press). Her research was published in Gender & SocietyThe China QuarterlyHuman RelationsSex RolesJournal of Ethnic and Migration StudiesPopulationSpace and PlaceJournal of Contemporary China etc. Between 2017 and 2019, she served as an editorial board member of Gender & Society. From 2019, she is serving as an editorial board member of Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

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From Jun-2021 to Jun-2024 "Student Return Migration from a Processual and Relational Perspective: Analyzing the Returning Experience and Adaptation of Chinese Students in South China." GRF (HKBU 12600620), funded by UGC. As PI. HKD $699,306.
From Jan-2019 to Jun-2022 "When China’s Only Children Become Parents: Gender, Family, and Parenting in Urban Singletons in Post-Reform China" GRF (HKBU 12605218), funded by UGC. As PI. HKD $724,200.
From May-2019 to Apr-2017 "Mainland Chinese students’ transition into skilled migrants in Hong Kong" FRG1/15-16/032, HKBU. As PI. HKD $50,000.
From Jan-2019 to Dec-2016 "Trans-local parenting: How the intersection of social structure and individual agency reconstructs parenthood among migrant workers in South China" Early Career Scheme (ECS HKBU 258513), funded by UGC. As PI. HKD $542,025.
From Dec-2012 to Nov-2015 "Masculinities in Transition: Comparing the Construction of Gender Identities among Male Migrants in the Manufacturing, Service and Construction Sector" GRF (CUHK 442512). As Co-I. HKD $467,893.
From Feb-2014 to Jan-2015 "Student Migration and Telecommunication: Mainland Chinese Students and their ICT Usage in Hong Kong." FRG I, funded by HKBU. As PI. HKD $49,980.
From Nov-2011 to Oct-2012 "Relationship between Transnational Mothers and Actual Care-takers in the Construction of Transnational Motherhood." Faculty Research Grant (II), Hong Kong Baptist University. As Co-I. 
From Apr-2019 to Nov-2011 "Virtual Motherhood: how do migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong fulfill their maternal duties by mobile phone usage?" Faculty Research Grant (I), Hong Kong Baptist University. As Co-I. 
(For complete list of publications, please view Staff CV.)



  1. Choi, Susanne Y.P. and Yinni Peng. 2016. Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China. Oakland: University of California Press.

(The Winner of the 2018 Best Book, RC 31Sociology of Migration, International Sociological Association)


  1. 蔡玉萍,彭铟旎。 《男性妥协:中国的城乡迁移、家庭和性别》。北京:三联书店。【三联书店2019年度十本好书 (副刊)】


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles in English:


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2024. “Gendered parenting and conjugal negotiation over children’s organised extracurricular activities.” British Journal of Sociology of Education, 45(1): 23-40. (Scopus: Q1; Ranking: 304 out of 1415 in Sociology and Political Science, 78%; Citescore: 3.5).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2024. “Extended family collaboration in childcare during the coronavirus disease-19 pandemic.” Current Sociology, 72(3), 482-500. Doi: 10.1177/00113921231194092 (Scopus: Q1; Ranking: 162 out of 1415 in Sociology and Political Science, 88%; CiteScore: 4.7).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2022. “Gendered Division of Digital Labor in Parenting: A Qualitative Study in Urban China.” Sex Roles, 86(5-6), 283-304. (Scopus: Q1; Ranking: 6 out of 190 in Gender Studies, 97%; CiteScore: 6.8).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2020. “Bringing Children to the Cities: Gendered Migrant Parenting and the Family Dynamics of Rural-Urban Migrants in China.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(7), 1460-1477. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 1/20 in Ethnic Studies; 1/29 in Demography; Impact factor: 5.340).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2020. “Should We Have a Second Child? Reproductive Decisions and Family Negotiation under China’s Two-child Policy.” Journal of Contemporary China, 29(125): 792-807. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 2/80 in Area Studies; Impact factor: 3.748).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2019. “From Migrant Student to Migrant Employee: Three Models of the School-to-Work Transition of Mainland Chinese in Hong Kong.” Population, Space and Place, 26(4): e2283. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2283. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 3/29 in Demography; Impact factor: 3.814).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2019. “Getting Rural Migrant Children into School in South China: Migrant Agency and Parenting.” Asian Population Studies15(2): 172-189. (JCR, Q3, Ranking: 15/29 in Demography; Impact factor: 2.324).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2018. “Migrant Mothering in Transition: A Qualitative Study of the Maternal Narratives and Practices of Two Generations of Rural-Urban Migrant Mothers in Southern China.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 79(1-2): 16-35. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 1/44 in Women’s Studies; Impact factor: 4.154).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2016. “Student Migration and Polymedia: Mainland Chinese Students’ Communication Media Use in Hong Kong.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(14): 2395-2412. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 1/20 in Ethnic Studies; 1/29 in Demography; Impact factor: 5.340).


  1. Peng, Yinni and Odalia M.H. Wong. 2016. “Who Takes Care of My Left-behind Children? Migrant Mothers and Caregivers in Transnational Child Care.” Journal of Family Issues, 37(14): 2021-2044. (JCR, Q3, Ranking: 26/46 in Family Studies; Impact factor: 2.072).


  1. Choi, Susanne Y.P. and Yinni Peng. 2015. “Humanized Management? Capital and Migrant Labour in a Time of Labour Shortage in South China.” Human Relations, 68 (2): 287-304. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 2/110 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; Impact factor: 5.732).


  1. Peng, Yinni and Odalia M.H. Wong. 2013. “Diversified Transnational Mothering via Telecommunication: Intensive, Collaborative, and Passive.” Gender & Society, 27(4): 491-513. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 3/44 in Women’s Studies; 21/149 in Sociology; Impact factor: 3.657).


  1. Peng, Yinni and Susanne Y.P. Choi. 2013. “Technologies of Power and Resistance: Production Regimes and Mobile Phone Usage among Migrant Factory Workers in South China.” The China Quarterly, 215: 553-571. (JCR, Q1, Ranking: 5/80 in Area Studies; Impact factor: 3.154).


  1. Peng, Yinni and Odalia M.H. Wong. 2012. “Mothering from Afar: Filipina Domestic Workers and their ICTs Usage in Hong Kong.” Chinese Journal of Sociology, 32(2): 199-222. (CSSCI Journal, 中国人文社科核心期刊).


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2010. “Exit: Power Struggles in a Time of Labor Shortage in South China.” Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 6(1):94-119.


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2008. "Internet Use of Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta." Knowledge, Technology, and Policy, 21:47-54.


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2007. "Mobile Communication and Resistance of Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta Area." Philippine Sociological Review, 55: 97-115.


Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters in English:


  1. Peng, Yinni. 2012. “Internet Use of Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta.” In New Connectivities in China: Virtual, Actual and Local Interactions, edited by Law Pui-lam, New York, N.Y: Springer, pp. 95-104. (Reprinted, first published in Knowledge, Technology and Policy)


  1. Law, Pui-lam, and Yinni Peng. 2008. "Mobile Communication, Mobile Networks: Migrant Workers in Southern China." Pp. 55-65 in Handbook of Mobile Communication Studies, edited by James E. Katz. Cambridge, M.A.: The MIT Press.


  1. Law, Pui-lam, and Yinni Peng. 2007. "Cellphones and the Social Lives of Migrant Workers in Southern China." Pp. 126-142 in The Social Construction and Usage of Communication Technologies: Asian and European Experiences, edited by Raul Pertierra. Diliman, Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press.


  1. Law, Pui-lam, and Yinni Peng. 2006. "The Use of Mobile Phones among Migrant Workers in Southern China." Pp. 245-258 in New Technologies in Global Societies, edited by Pui-lan Law, Leopoldina Fortunati, and Shanhua Yang. Singapore: World Scientific Printers.


Journal Articles and Book Chapters in Other Languages


  1. 彭铟旎,黄何明雄。 “信息沟通技术与母职:一项关于香港菲佣的实证研究。”《家庭与性别评论》,第9辑,77-98页.


  1. 彭铟旎. 2011. “辞工:民工荒背景下的新型劳资冲突。”《中国研究》, 秋季卷,总第14期,61-82页。


  1. 彭铟旎. 2008.“非正式规则:珠江三角洲新一代流动民工的行为策略.” 《城乡日常生活:一种社会学分析》. 杨善华主编. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社. 47-82 页.


  1. 罗沛霖, 彭铟旎. 2008.“关于中国南部农民工的社会生活与手机的研究.” 《城乡日常生活:一种社会学分析》. 杨善华主编. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社. 83-101 页.


  1. Law, Pui-lam, and Yinni Peng. 2005. "Téléphone mobile et vie sociale des travailleurs émigrés en Chine du sud." Mobiles En Asie 23.



2018  Best Work Award of RC 31 Sociology of Migration, International Sociological Association (Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China)

External Service

2024-now, Member of Editorial Board, Sex Roles

2017-2019, editorial board member, Gender & Society

2019-now, editorial board member, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies