
JIANG, Jin 江晉

Assistant Professor

PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests:

Sociology of education; Social stratification and mobility; Youth studies, Labour markets

Dr JIANG Jin joined the Department of Sociology in 2020. Her research interests include sociology of education, social stratification and mobility, youth studies, and labour markets. Dr Jiang has published articles in leading international journals such as American Sociological ReviewChinese Sociological ReviewJournal of SociologySociology of EducationStudies in Higher Education, and Urban Studies, and book chapters published by Routledge, Springer, and Oxford University Press.


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

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From Jan-2024 to Dec-2026

"Emerging ‘Triple Lost’ Young Graduates in Mainland China: A Mixed-Method Approach. Principal Investigator (PI), HK$ 902,900" Research Grants Council, General Research Fund (GRF). As PI. HKD $902,900.

From Jan-2021 to  Dec-2023 "Staying in the Nest? A Study of Young Adults’ Co-residence with Parents in the United Kingdom, Mainland China and Hong Kong" Research Grants Council, Early Career Scheme (ECS). As PI. HKD $588,824.
From Nov-2019 to Nov-2021 "The Greater Bay Area and Career Opportunity for Hong Kong Youth: Integrating Big Data Analysis and Survey Experiments" Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme. As PI. HKD $500,000.

(For complete list of publications, please view Staff CV.)


Journal Articles (Peer-reviewed)

  1. Jiang, Jin and Lui, Hon-Kwong. (2024). Higher education expansion and earnings premium: A comparative study of two systems in China. China Perspectives. 136, 63-73.
  2. Jiang, Jin, Xia, Shouzhi. and Zhang, Dong. (2024). Birds of a feather: Sharing democratic values eases immigration in a postmaterialist society. Political Behavior46, 1887-1911.
  3. Jiang, Jin and Lui, Hon-Kwong. (2023). Pursuing dreams in an Asia's global city: does host language proficiency matter for Asian minorities? Urban Studies. 60(2), 360-378.
  4. Shen, Wenqin and Jiang, Jin*. (2023). Institutional prestige, academic supervision and research productivity of international PhD students: Evidence from Chinese returnees. Journal of Sociology, 59(2), 552-579. (*corresponding author).
  5. Chen, Jacqueline Chen, Jiang, Jin* and Tam, Tony (2023) Social competition and the contingent legitimation of pay differentials in reform-era China, Chinese Sociological Review, 55(4), 351-383. (*corresponding author).
  6. Kühner, Stefan; Lau, Maggie; Jiang, Jin and Wen, Zhuoyi. (2021). Personal income, local communities and happiness in a rich global city: evidence from Hong Kong. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 14(3), 314-332.
  7. Kühner, Stefan; Jiang, Jin*; Wen, Zhuoyi and Lau, Maggie (2021). Labour market experience, educational attainment and self-reported happiness: Crowding-out amongst young people in Hong Kong. Journal of Education and Work, 34(3), 275-291. (*corresponding author).
  8. Jiang, Jin and Ke, Guoguo^ (2021). China’s move to mass higher education since 1998: Analysis of higher education expansion policies. Higher Education Quarterly, 75(3), 418-437. (^graduate student co-author at the time of writing).
  9. Mok, Ka Ho and Jiang, Jin. (2020). Towards corporatized collaborative governance: The multiple networks model and entrepreneurial universities in Hong Kong. Studies in Higher Education, 45(10), 2110-2120.
  10. Jiang, Jin, Mok, Ka Ho, and Shen, Wenqin. (2020). Riding over national and global disequilibria: International learning and academic career development of Chinese PhD returnees. Higher Education Policy, 33, 531–554.
  11. Kang, Yuyang^ and Jiang, Jin*. (2020). Revisiting the innovation systems of cross-border cities: The role of higher education institution and cross-boundary cooperation in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42(2), 213-229. (^graduate student co-author at the time of writing, *corresponding author).
  12. Jiang, Jin and Shen, Wenqin. (2019). International mentorship and research collaboration: Evidence from European-trained Chinese PhD returnees. Frontiers of Education in China14(2), 180-205.
  13. Jiang, Jin; Qian, Jiwei; and Wen, Zhuoyi. (2018). Social protection for the informal sector in urban China: Institutional constraints and self-selection behaviour. Journal of Social Policy47(2), 335-357.
  14. Mok, Ka Ho and Jiang, Jin*. (2018). Massification of higher education and challenges for graduate employment and social mobility: East Asian experiences and sociological reflections. International Journal of Educational Development, 63, 44-51. (*corresponding author).
  15. Mok, Ka Ho; Han, Xiao; Jiang, Jin and Zhang, Xiaojun. (2018) International and transnational education for whose interests? A study on the career development of Chinese students. Higher Education Quarterly, 72(3), 208-223.
  16. Shen, Wenqin; Gao, Yao; Zhang, Bin; and Jiang, Jin. (2018). Academia or enterprises: gender, research outputs, and employment among PhD graduates in China. Asia Pacific Education Review, 19(2), 285–296.
  17. Tam, Tony and Jiang, Jin. (2015). Divergent urban-rural trends in college attendance: State policy bias and structural exclusion in Sociology of Education, 88(2), 160-180.
  18. Tam, Tony and Jiang, Jin. (2014). The making of higher education inequality: How do mechanisms and pathways depend on competition? American Sociological Review, 79, 807-816.


Book Chapters and Oxford Research Encyclopedia

  1. Jiang, Jin. (2023). Higher education in Hong Kong: Recent developments and challenges. In Kapur, Devesh; Kong, Lily; Lo, Florence and Malone, David M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region ( 714-734). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. Jiang, Jin. and Mok, Ka Ho (2019). Asserting global leadership in higher education: Governance with strong government in China. In Jarvis, Darryl. S.L. and Mok, Ka Ho. (eds.). Transformations in Higher Education Governance in Asia (pp. 101-121). Singapore: Springer.
  3. Jiang, Jin. (2018). Expansion of upper secondary education in Mainland China, 1980–2010. In Aizawa, Shinichi., Kagawa, Mei., and Rappleye, Jeremy. (eds.), High School for All in East Asia: Comparing Experiences (pp. 181-198). London: Routledge.
  4. Jiang, Jin. (2018). Competition for talent and unequal development of higher education: Evidence from Chang Jiang Scholars Programme. In M. Wu and John. N. Hawkins (eds.), Massification of Higher Education in Asia: Consequences, Policy Responses and Changing Governance (pp. 21-37). Singapore: Springer.
  5. Mok, Ka Ho and Jiang, Jin. (2018). Questing for entrepreneurial university in Hong Kong and Shenzhen: The promotion of industry-university collaboration and entrepreneurship. In Neubauer, Deane, Mok, Ka Ho, and Jiang, Jin. (eds.) The Sustainability of Higher Education in an Era of Post-Massification ( 115-133). London: Routledge.
  6. Jiang, Jin. (2017). Higher education in China. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Online publication, doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.207.
  7. Mok, Ka Ho and Jiang, Jin. (2017). Massification of higher education: Challenges for admissions and graduate employment in China. In Mok, Ka Ho (ed.), Managing International Connectivity, Diversity of Learning and Changing Labour Markets: East Asian Perspectives (219-243). Singapore: Springer.


Edited Book

Neubauer, Deane, Mok, Ka Ho, and Jiang, Jin. (eds.) (2018). The Sustainability of Higher Education in an Era of Post-Massification. London: Routledge.


Research Report

Jiang, Jin. Zhang, Dong and Mok, Ka Ho (2022). Public Policy Research Report on “The Greater Bay Area and Career Opportunity for Hong Kong Youth: Integrating Big Data Analysis and Survey Experiments”. Chief Executive's Policy Unit (CEPU), available on the official website of CEPU: https://shorturl.at/tyQZ1.


Scholarships and Awards

  1. Wiley Top Cited Paper Award 2021-2022. 
  2. Young Researcher Output Award, Lingnan University, 2020
  3. Research & KT Fund Award, Lingnan University, 2020
  4. Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Association of Chinese Political Studies, 2019
  5. Top Cited Article Award, Higher Education Quarterly, 2018-2019
  6. Director Tang Hon Kwan and Principal Chan Yau Kwong Mother and Daughter Memorial Scholarship for Sociological Studies of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015
  7. Travel Grant for Starting Sociologists in East Asia, International Sociological Association (ISA), 2014