Professor Tai-lok Lui (呂大樂) earned his B.A. in History and Sociology with 1st class honours from the University of Hong Kong in 1981. He subsequently obtained an M.Phil. in Sociology from the same institution after which he went to England to study at the University of Oxford where he earned both an M.Phil. and a D.Phil. in Sociology. After graduating in 1991, he was appointed Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1997 and later to Professor in 2007. He taught a wide variety of courses including historical sociology, complex organizations, classical theory, sociology of work, Hong Kong society, economic sociology, and social stratification among others. While at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Lui served as Dean of General Education as well as Head of the Graduate Division. In 2009, Professor Lui moved to the University of Hong Kong and became Head of its Department of Sociology. He also served as Associate Dean in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. In 2016, Professor Lui moved to The Education University of Hong Kong to become Chair Professor in the Department of Asian and Policy Studies as well as Vice President of that university until 2021. In 2023, he became Adjunct Research Chair Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong. Professor Lui also currently maintains an adjunct appointment with the Department of Asian and Policy Studies at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. In his career, he has published dozens of articles in both English and Chinese peer-reviewed journals, and has authored or edited numerous books. The recipient of many research grants, Professor Lui is currently a member of the Research Grants Council. He has provided other advice, academic counsel and keynote speeches internationally, and Professor Lui continues to be active in providing a variety of professional, social, and consultancy services especially to institutions and organizations situated in Hong Kong.
LUI, Tai Lok, JP 呂大樂
Honorary Professor
Research Interests:
Class Analysis; Economic Sociology; Urban Sociology; Hong Kong Society
Publications |
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Research book or monograph (author) 呂大樂 (2020)。 《那似曾相識的七十年代(增訂本)》。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。,contains,991017905093703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library 呂大樂 (2020)。 尷尬:香港社會還未進入一國兩制的議題。香港: 午津大學出版社。 呂大樂 (2015)。 香港模式:從現在式到過去式。香港: 中華書局。 Chapter in an edited book (author) 呂大樂 (2022)。 前言:内斂的微光。呂大樂, 《市民的大會堂:延亮六十年微光》 (10-30)。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。,contains,991018103555703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library Tai-lok Lui (2021). One Country, Two Systems in Hong Kong: An unfinished business resting on a precarious balance. Ingyu OH, East Asia in transition: Democracy, diaspora, and the new culture war (19-38). United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.,contains,991018054642803410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library 呂大樂 (2020)。 出版八年後回顧:兼論七十年代出現的政府與社會的新關係。呂大樂, 那似曾相識的七十年代增訂版 (187-207)。香港: 中華書局。 呂大樂 (2020)。 英國「空降議員」和殖民地的政治轉變。吳海傑,王迪安, 香港動盪 (77-94)。香港: 香港大學出版社。 Tai-lok Lui, Shuo Liu (2019). The Anxious Middle Class of Urban China: Its Emergence and Formation. Ray Forrest, Julie Ren, Bart Wissink, The City in China (207-229). Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press. Tai-lok Lui, Shuo Liu (2019). The urban middle class. Ray Yep, June Wang, Thomas Johnson, Handbook on Urban Development in China (219-232). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Chung Yan Ip, Tai-lok Lui (2019). Hong Kong's middle class after 1997. Tai-lok Lui, Stephen W.K. Chiu, Ray Yep, Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Hong Kong (305-323). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Tai-lok Lui, Stephen W.K. Chiu, Ray Yep (2019). Introduction: The long transition. Tai-lok Lui, Stephen W.K. Chiu, Ray Yep, Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Hong Kong (1-29). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Lui, T.-L. (2018). Fading opportunities: Hong Kong in the context of regional integration. Brian C.H. Fong and Tai-lok Lui, Hong Kong 20 years after the handover: Emerging social and institutional fractures after 1997 (315-337). Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 呂大樂 (2017)。 港式政治態度的新危機:並存而不共融的倫理秩序。羅金義, 《回歸20年:香港精神的變易》 (195-209)。Hong Kong: 香港城市大學出版社。 Tai-lok Lui (2017). 'Flying MPs' and political change in a colonial setting: political reform under MacLehose's governorship of Hong Kong. Michael Ng and John Wong, Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong Kong (76-96). London: Routledge. 呂大樂 (2016)。 不對稱的融合。民主思路, 活出香港 (136-147)。香港: 紅出版文化平台。 呂大樂 (2015)。 本地人的處境:全球城市裡轉變中的階級分層。周儉、朱偉玨, 社區、空間、治理 (181-189)。中國上海: 同濟大學出版社。 Lui, Tai Lok (2014). A triply neglected city. Greg Girard & Ian Lambot (eds), City of Darkness Revisited (218-223). Lopen, UK: Watermark Publications (UK) Ltd. Edited book (editor) 呂大樂 (2022)。 《市民的大會堂:延亮六十年微光》。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。,contains,991018103555703410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library Tai-lok Lui, Stephen W.K. Chiu, Ray Yep (2019). Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Hong Kong. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Brian C. H. Fong and Tai-Lok Lui (Eds.) (2018). Hong Kong 20 Years after the Handover: Emerging Social and Institutional Fractures After 1997. London: Palgrave. |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Godfrey Yeung & Tai-lok Lui (2022). The Sinicisation of the Hong Kong economy or the Hongkongnisation of the Greater Bay Area: Are we ‘barking up the wrong tree’?. Asia Pacific Business Review, 28(5), 719-739. Doi:10.1080/13602381.2022.2096201. Tai-lok Lui (2022). Still in command and control? Hong Kong’s headquarters economy in the changing global and regional context. Asia Pacific Business Review, 28(5), 641-659. Doi:10.1080/13602381.2022.2116872. Tai-lok Lui, I. Oh, and C. Rowley (2022). After the storm: How Hong Kong can hold on to its status as a global business hub in the Asia-Pacific. Asia Pacific Business Review, 28(5), 629-640. Doi:10.1080/13602381.2022.2140515. Tai-lok Lui (2021). From an industrializing city to a global city: Hong Kong economic sociology's changing agenda. Economic Sociology: Perspectives and Conversations, 22 (3), 23-27. Tai-lok Lui (2021). Hong Kong's Socioeconomic and Political Challenges: The Future of One Country, Two Systems. Culture and Empathy, 4(1), 4-19. Tai-lok Lui (2020). The Unfinished Chapter of Hong Kong's Long Political Transition. Critique of Anthropology, 40(2), 264-269. Tai-lok Lui (2019). Flexible and plastic national identification in Hong Kong: Its historical configuration and changes since 1997. Journal of Asian Sociology, 48(1), 71-89. Hsu, M.H.K., Ling, M.H., Lui, T.L. (2019). Relationship between gerontological nursing education and attitudes toward older people.. Nurse Education Today, 74, 85-90. Tai-lok Lui (2017). Beneath the appearance of gentrification: Probing local complexities. International Journal of Urban and Regional research, 41, 478-486. Tai-lok Lui (2015). A missing page in the grand plan of "one country, two systems": regional integration and its challenges to post-1997 Hong Kong. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 16, 396-409. Tai-lok Lui (2015). GBCS: An Answer in Search of a Question. The Sociological Review, 63(2), 480-492. 呂大樂 (2015)。 一個有邊界的全球化城市:1997年後轉變中的香港處境。 當代港澳研究,42,3-19。 Lui, Tai-lok (2014). Opportunities and tensions in the process of educational globalisation: the case of Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 55(2), 132-143. Publication in non-refereed journal 呂大樂 (2017)。 尷尬的香港,仍在準備中。 21st Century 《二十一世紀》,161,4-16。 呂大樂 (2015)。 香港的入境旅遊業:問題與挑戰。 港澳研究,9,77-83。 呂大樂 (2015)。 對全球城市社會文化發展的一些看法。 科學發展,79,20-23。 |
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Tai-lok Lui and Shuo Liu (2016, 6). Class and the Chinese City. From Chicago to Shenzhen: 'The City" at One Hundred, Hong Kong. Tai-lok Lui (2016, 5). "Flying MPs" and Political Changes in a Colonial Setting: Political Reform under MacLehose's Governorship. Civil Unrest, Law and Order in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 呂大樂 (2015,12). 殖民時期香港社會公共領域的特點。「傳統」與「公民社會」的發展:兩岸三地之比較,台灣。 Lui Tai-lok (2015, 6). Decolonization? What Decolonization?. Paper presented at International Conference on "Siting Postcoloniality", Hong Kong. Lui Tai-lok (2015, 4). What about the Locals: Changing Class Stratification in Global Cities. City and Society International Forum, Shanghai, China. 呂大樂 (2015,2). 在冷戰裡一個殖民統治下的移民社會的「左」與「右」。「亞洲社會主義」工作坊,首爾,南韓。 Lui Tai-lok (2014, 9). Drunken MPs, Local Protesters, and Political Changes in a Colonial Setting. International Conference on "Islands and Empires: Taiwan, Hong Kong and Ireland in Comparative Perspective, Taipei, Taiwan. Refereed conference paper Lui Tai-lok (2015, 5). The Chinese Touch in the Emergence of Hong Kong as a Global City. Paper presented at International Workshop on "The Global City, Past and Present", St. Andrews, UK. |
All Other Outputs Journal editor ('editorial membership' should be excluded) Lui Tai-lok, Chan Kin-man, Lee Kim-ming, Susanne Choi (2015). Social Transformations in Chinese Societies. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Sociological Association. Other outputs 呂大樂 (2017)。 《隨便讀》。Hong Kong: 中華書局。 |